Temporary Liquor License

Let us take the hassle of applying for your temporary event liquor license out of your hands. Then we also need to add that we need a minimum of 14 days before the event to submit the application.

In lines with GAUTENG LIQUOR ACT 2 OF 2003. A function with a cash bar service, by law, requires a liquor license. The venue must either have a valid license or Flair Mobile Bar will have to arrange an occasional liquor license, otherwise known as a temporary license. This license is valid for 7 days.

Our advice – For events over 300 people – we would advise our clients to obtain a liquor license as this is the breakeven point for the costs of the license. If your guest list is below 300 : we recommend two options to save costs.

  1. The costs associated with obtaining the license, We’d recommend that the client use the cost associated with obtaining the license to purchase stock
  2. Collect a value per person at the entrance and use that to serve drinks

Any person or entity, who intends to sell liquor at a special occasion or event, for a short time period must apply for a Temporary / Occasional Liquor license.

Flair Bar would require the following information for the occasional license:

  1. The name, registration number and registered office or other address of the prospective applicant of the licence
  2. Letter instructing that Flair Professional Mobile Bar Service has the authority to apply for your license on your behalf.
  3. Contact telephone numbers for the business as well as cell phone numbers of the directors of the prospective applicant
  4. Contact details for the landlord including a cell number of the agents who are dealing with at in the landlords office
  5. A site plan of the event
  6. Advertising of the event (flyer)
  7. The full address of the proposed premises (in both the street address and the stand number or title deed description)